Monday, February 1, 2010

Vitamin D, anyone?

Our little trio is big on outside adventures - in all seasons and in all weather.  This past Sunday was icy cold (temps hitting the mid 20's), but gorgeously sunshiney.  A trip to the fabric store turned into an impromtu trip to the beach and playground in our neighboring suburb.
The beach is a dog friendly beach. No human swimmers allowed. The rocks are the breakwall and there's usually about 20 feet of water before it hits the shore. The sand is really cool when it's frozen - crunchy and easy to pick up in big slabs,
blown all around in crazy drifts.
We kept off the frozen ice, but the little ladies had fun throwing rocks to see if they could break it.  Lesson learned - just because it looks frozen, doesn't mean it is.
While we weren't dressed entirely appropriately for wind chills in the teens, we did manage to scrounge up some mittens and boots in the car to allow for a little extra playtime out in the arctic cold!
What is more fun than slides & snow?
Tunnels and ladders?
Even mom joined in the fun.
Look at those beautiful blue skies behind me!
Now go out and play!

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