Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Saving the World One Tree at a Time

The non-recycler in our house says to me whenever I dig paper out of the garbage,"there you go, saving the world one tree at a time." And I always answer with, "if we added up all the people saving the world one tree at a time, imagine how many trees we would save!"

So it pleases me to watch the girls not even think twice about putting their paper scraps, empty cracker boxes, and miscellaneous other papers straight into the paper recycle bin.  It is just second nature to them to do so!

Before we moved, we lived in a community that "got" recycling and heavily promoted it.  They recycled plastics 1-7, glass, cans, aluminum, all papers, cardboards, paperboard and all curbside.  The community we live in is trying to get there.  But for now only glass, metals, plastics 1&2, and newpaper is curbside.  I can sneak in my 3-7 plastics to work, and put them in the recycle bin there.  But my papers I have to take to the drop-off facility at the other end of our town.  This has become quite the outing for the girls. They love tossing the papers and boxes and cardboard into the containers and seeing who can through the farthest!

Just think!
"You use paper and paperboard products every day, from newspapers to food packaging to office paper. In fact, paper and paperboard products make up the largest portion of the municipal solid waste stream in the United States and as a result,

So in the spirit of proving that ONE person CAN make a difference, see the below pictures. 
One person at a time, filled these containers with waste paper.
And just think - each container is a container load of waste being kept out of a landfill.

Happy Recycling!

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