Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oh the PAIN of poison ivy!

Right now my oldest is dealing with the awfulness that is poison ivy. On her TOES! Flip-flops and woodsy areas don't always mesh well, even if it is in the middle of a city, during a festival, on a well-trodden foot path.  Poor thing!

So we thought with summer starting, now would be a good time
for a post on poison ivy! If you’re anything like us, you spend a lot of time outdoors.  And if you’re one of the unlucky 50% of the population who is allergic to poison ivy, then you have a good chance of having to deal with the itchy ooziness of it at some point this summer.

Here’s what you can do if you’ve been exposed:
The first line of defense is to heavily rinse the area with water immediately.
Then rinse with rubbing alcohol.
Do not use a washcloth or it will just spread the urushiol oil all around.  Urushiol oil is the toxin in poison ivy & oak that causes the blistery, itchy rash on your skin.

Next, you have a few options. Keep trying until you find one that works.
1) Drying agents: use until the oozing stops.
    *Calamine lotion (Zinc & Iron Oxides together)
    *Zinc Oxide (think baby bum ointments/some sunblocks)
    *Witch Hazel
    *Baking Soda
    *Colloidal Oatmeal

2) Oral Medicines: an added measure for if the itching gets awful.
    *You can try Chlor-Trimeton (chlorpheniramine maleate)
    *or Benadryl (diphenhydramine hydrochloride)
~~~just remember both can make you VERY sleepy!!~~~

**edited to add - what worked best for us this week was frequent foot soaks in warm water & baking soda and spraying the rash with a white vinegar & water mix.  Great tip from my sister-in-law!

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